Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last Day of September!

It feels like fall is coming. I've been wearing my jeans a lot more often. We had a fun weekend. Mom and I went out to West Virginia for a retreat on Saturday and Sunday, and we got to walk around a lot in the woods. I loved touching the moss and collecting acorns on the trail. It was very quiet there.

When we got home on Sunday, we went to the Mount Pleasant Festival that was happening up the street. There were so many kids there to look at! Some of them were blowing bubbles - I really loved to watch them. I also danced when we passed by the music. Here's a picture of Mom and me with Mayor Adrian Fenty! I put on my disinterested look for the picture, but it was actually fun to meet him. He smiled at me, said my name, and shook my hand.

I went back to Mimi's house today and got REALLY worn out. Boy -it's hard work playing all day with my friends.
Happy last day of September! See you in October!

Monday, September 22, 2008


This weekend we went to Ms. Aimee and Mr. Barrett's wedding in Minnesota! It was so much fun - I got to meet a lot of other kids and play outside in the gardens at the wedding.
Mom and Dad sang during the wedding, and I wanted to be up there with them, so I was. Well, just in the beginning.

Ms. Aimee and Mr. Barrett during the ceremony. They covered themselves with a star quilt during the ceremony (they told us it is an old Lakota tradition). It was very pretty.
Later, Grandma Susan and Grandpa Randy came to pick me up, and we went to their hotel and swam! It was fun to ride on the plane - they gave us lots of chocolate chip cookies. Andrea and Tim rode on the plane back with us, so I could look back and see them during the flight. I screamed a couple times because I was so excited to see them. Now I'm trying to catch up on my sleep. It's not easy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pasta, Pizza, and Pushups

We had a fun weekend. I went on a bike ride to the park with Dad yesterday, and Mom and I went to the zoo to play on the big pizza playground this morning. Dad's helping me get into my new fall exercise regimen.

And my new words this week are .... (you'll have to watch the video to see!).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One and a Half

I turned one and a half on Tuesday! Mom and I went to celebrate at the Building Museum downtown. I was very busy building tall archways and making sure the dump trucks stayed full of beanbags. Of course I had to wear my safety gear during these tasks to make sure my eyes and head were protected and that people could see me. Afterward we met Dad for dinner at Lauriol Plaza. I wasn't very hungry, but did get my own cup and straw for my milk (which is all I really wanted anyway). I fell asleep on the walk home.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I got really tired at the park the other day. I slid down the slide by myself about 10 times over and over again, then I got tired for a nap, so I just laid down in the wood chips in the middle of the park. Then I started covering myself with wood chips, pretending they were my covers. Then I got leaves in my hair.

Kitty Piggyback

I played in a big sandbox today at the park. It reminded me of the beach. Also, when I got home, Puss let me ride on his back. I thought he'd take me across the living room, but he just laid down instead.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rain and Red Shoes

We had a fun weekend! It rained all day yesterday, so in the morning, Mom and I walked around outside in the rain and got soaking wet! Barrett saw us and took some pictures (Mom's going to ask him to send some to her, so maybe I'll put one on the blog). Then we built forts and went to the thrift store with Andrea and Tim. Mom bought me a pair of shiny red shoes that I've worn every waking moment since yesterday. I got sad last night when I had to take them off to go to bed. Today, we went for a walk in the morning, then played around the yard after my nap. Talked to Grandma and Grandpa Snell on the webcam tonight while I ate dinner. That was fun!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day and Schottische Dancing

Mom and I walked to church on Sunday morning. We saw Dad up front singing, then I played with Mary, Judy, and Danny when I went to the nursery during the sermon. I fell asleep on the walk home from church, then we went to the pool (for the last time this summer) after I woke up. It was really fun - there were a lot of kids there. Sunday evening we went to Uncle Todd and Aunt Jennifer's house. After dark, we played with glow sticks in the driveway. Today, we had french toast for breakfast, and I played played played with my cousins and Grandmom and Grandpop Miller. When we got home, Mom and I walked up the street and went to a Norwegian Dance. Mom and Dad said the band was from Decorah, IA, where my Great-Grandparents Snell live. We did the polka with Andrea, and the two-step with Aimee! I ate a cookie, then we went home to bed. It was a really fun weekend (and Dad had off today too, so we got to spend a lot of time together!).