Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day and Schottische Dancing

Mom and I walked to church on Sunday morning. We saw Dad up front singing, then I played with Mary, Judy, and Danny when I went to the nursery during the sermon. I fell asleep on the walk home from church, then we went to the pool (for the last time this summer) after I woke up. It was really fun - there were a lot of kids there. Sunday evening we went to Uncle Todd and Aunt Jennifer's house. After dark, we played with glow sticks in the driveway. Today, we had french toast for breakfast, and I played played played with my cousins and Grandmom and Grandpop Miller. When we got home, Mom and I walked up the street and went to a Norwegian Dance. Mom and Dad said the band was from Decorah, IA, where my Great-Grandparents Snell live. We did the polka with Andrea, and the two-step with Aimee! I ate a cookie, then we went home to bed. It was a really fun weekend (and Dad had off today too, so we got to spend a lot of time together!).

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