Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last week, Mom and I went to the zoo with Milo and his Mom and Dad. We looked at the frogs and horses, but more importantly, I taught Milo how to do push ups (see the first picture below). We tried to figure out the drinking fountain together too. That was on Thursday.

On Saturday, we went to visit Mom's college friends. I got to meet a lot of new kids - they were mostly older boys, but there were two other little girls there too. Then we spent the weekend with Grandmom Miller in Lititz. We went to the playground, park, and pumpkin patch. We also went to church, and I played in the nursery. I just learned how to say pumpkin! (But I say "kwaikee"). I like to see the pumpkins on people's porches. I also now can say our neighbor's names, Aimee and Barrett (but I say "Ahhmee" and "Bart").

We also spent a lot of time at the library last week. We went to a different library for storytime. Mom said we're going to go there tomorrow too. Yesterday, Mom took me to the library then out for a muffin at Dos Gringos. I sat in a tall big girl chair! It was so much fun - Mom didn't even cut up the muffin. I could just eat it whole (I used both hands). Then, Dad, Mom, and I took a walk together after Dad got home from school. He has his tests at school this week, so he's been busy studying. But he'll be done on Friday!!

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