Saturday, May 17, 2008

What a Week!

Boy - I had an eventful week. Let me tell you about a few things that happened. Thursday was a big day. Mom and I went to the library in the morning for story and song time. I wanted to go look at the books, so I crawled away, but as soon as I did, they started singing "If you're happy and you know it". I stopped in my tracks, looked back, started crawling toward them, and stopped because I wanted to clap. Mom started laughing. She told me I was "so cute"! On our way home, we stopped to smell some really pretty flowers in our neighbor's yard. Mom also bought me three rubber balls and some refrigerator magnets. Later that night I brushed my teeth for the first time AND TOOK MY FIRST STEP!! That was really exciting
Then on Friday night I was gardening with dad. He let me put dirt in my mouth. I was really dirty! I also ate my first mushrooms for dinner this week. Yum!

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